PolySprint™ Joining Tools
Model Description Finger Length (mm) Belt Width (mm)
NPS-3050H2 Heating Press 30 50
NPS-3050C Cooling Press 30 50
FP30-10-50 Finger Punch 30 50
NPS-0310H2 Heating Press 30 100
NPS-0310C Cooling Press 30 100
FP30-10-100 Finger Punch 30 100
NPS-1205H2 Heating Press 70 & 120 50
NPS-1205C Cooling Press 70 & 120 50
FP70-10-50 Finger Punch 70 50
FP120-10-50 Finger Punch 120 50
PSP-712-50 Heating & Cooling Press 70 & 120 50
PSF-70-50 Finger Punch 70 50
PSF-120-50 Finger Punch 120 50
NPS-1210-2 Heating & Cooling Press 70 & 120 100
FP70-10-100 Finger Punch 70 100
FP120-10-100 Finger Punch 120 100
PSP-712-100 Heating & Cooling Press 70 & 120 100
PSF-70-100 Finger Punch 70 100
PSF-120-100 Finger Punch 120 100
PSF-3712-100 Finger Punch (3-in-1) 30, 70 & 120 100
PolyBelt™ Joining Tools
Model Description Belt Width (mm)
PI-50 Heating Press 50
PP-1717 Heating Press 120


Presetters for all standard sizes of PolySprint™ presses are readily available. Custom sizes can also be provided upon request.

Sonic Tension Meter

Nitta’s U-508 is the best in the Industry to analyze Belt Tension with following features:
* User friendly, Non-contact. Light weight and compact for mobility.
* Set and measure tension in N or Hz.